Welcome to part 2 of "Vrenshrrg makes the late-game boring by reducing it to just blueprints and miners".
This factory spans half a planet up to the second tropic line and produces (and uploads) 16 universe matrix/white science per second.
All it requires are raw resources and power!
It can be powered by a pole full of lensed ray receivers or ~120 artificial stars, however it luckily produces both the required lenses and antimatter fuel in excess, so it can even export them even if it powers itself using either entirely.
Credit goes to Nilaus for the smelter and fractionator designs. This blueprint also borrows his style of tropic line solar panels and is thus compatible as long as you remove the wireless power towers first.
Note that this facility does not consume unipolar magnets. I'm of the opinion that the alternative particle container recipe is a trap unless you are 50 or even more levels of vein utilization deep. As a result, it's rather hefty on the iron and copper ore, requiring 843 iron and 432 copper ore every single second. It should be able to import that much just with its own warper production as long as you add vessels to every ore demand.
As most of the required infrastructure is within the science production line already, I allowed myself to add 2 antimatter fuel rods/s, 8 space warpers/s and 1 gravity lens/s to the products this facility provides cluster-wide. Loosely speaking, it's enough for anything you want to do, certainly enough to support itself and two or so of my Rocket Factory blueprints.