"No Hazmat Permit": E-ILS V2, Casimir Crystals (1080/min)

Reddit post link.

While the main modules of the E-ILS V2 system are not optimized for Casimir Crystals, this one is.  48 standard-recipe MK3 assemblers, making 1080 crystals/minute.  It'll suck down 12.9K hydrogen per minute; one of these will generally outright *solve* most hydrogen oversupply issues on a planet.  (Unless you're melting, like all the fire ice or something.)

Can be deployed by itself without tying into the main power network, though it does need local-drone supply of batteries, hydrogen, graphene, and titanium crystals.  (You're going to want a few dedicated ILS to supply hydrogen by drone, that's for sure.) It's plenty capable of powering itself, with extra to pass out if you do want it to be part of the main power grid.

25 units in latitude, so it'll fit nicely in the higher polar regions.  Can be a bit tetchy about being side-by-side with another copy, due to the assemblers' hitboxes, but a one-unit gap should solve that. 

Also has eight pre-configured and labeled hydrogen belt inputs, four per side, in case you need to tie in a big set of storage tanks or want to go completely drone-free on the hydrogen.  (If you've got a Hydrogen Gate setup, this is your hookup point.)  They're in the middle by the center PLS.

This was mainly an excercise is taking my last crystal module and slimming it down to 25 units tall while also cramming in exchangers.  If you want to use the ultra-slim assmbler arrays on their own, they're in a separate blueprint in the E-ILS V2 collection.
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This blueprint requires

3653 structures
  • 34
  • 48
    • 48
  • 3
  • 4
  • 4
  • 288
  • 3272

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