Concept: This modular mall can be upgraded during the course of the game and produces everything a Mecha needs to build stuff! The first parts are <60 entities and can be used early on. The coolest thing ever: The mall can be upgraded later on with logistic towers for inputs and outputs! Each tower is also supplied with warpers. The entire mall fits from west-east or north-south in the equator zone. Start the first row around the equator line (use the complete blueprint to estimate the final size). The first parts are done with MK1 belts and sorters. I recommend to upgrade all parts when possible. Note: It is important not to build anything else within the mall area even though there is space. Otherwise the tower connection blueprint will not fit later on. Before you place the tower connection blueprint (part 9) all old belt connections need to go. But keep the belts with memos (align points)!
Check out this video to see how to place the blueprints:
The first part starts a row of assemblers. The row is completed with parts 2-5. Place them next to each other and use a belt overlap of 1.
Part 1:
Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5:
Parts 6 and 7 add additional assemblers on both sides. Assemblers in parts 6 and 7 are in line with the first column. Place part 7 next to the upper belt of the first column. Part 6 connects to the first two storage containers.
Part 6: Part 7:
Part 8 adds important assemblers to start the logistic network. Easiest point to look at in order to place the blueprint correctly is the turbine belt from part 6 that goes south. Connect part 8 with 1 belt overlap to that belt.
Part 8:
Part 9 is an extention for all missing products and adds logistic tower outputs and inputs. Important! Before you place part 9, delete all old connections to the mall but keep the input belt parts that have memos. Use these parts to align the last blueprint with 1 belt overlap.
Part 9:
Upgraded, all in one blueprint: