ILS Mall Recycler

This is the recycler belt system for the ILS Mall. You dump unneeded resources into a chest that feeds onto the 3 inbound belts at the north side. It uses 3 belts in order to trade sorter and transport efficiency for dumping speed. The recycler box empties onto the belts very quickly, but some items may make 2 or 3 circuits of the belt before reaching their designated splitter/sorter. This module is not very clean/polished because it was a first concept build, and made on a planet with existing miners etc that it was built around.  This blueprint was provided upon request.

Components and materials are offloaded from the belt into ILS towers that recycle them back into the supply chain. Buildings are filtered out onto a separate sushi belt line that returns them to their designated building return ILSs at the mall module which re-inject them into the mall production line for re-supply. 
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  • Author: Exigy
  • Collection: Public
  • Game version:
  • Copied: 7 times
  • Created: almost 3 years ago

This blueprint requires

4562 structures
  • 78
  • 75
  • 16
  • 6
  • 393
  • 3994

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