White Science Universal Matrix from Raw 10/s super small
10/s 16X per planet, the lone ILS is the equator side. Poles are free for suport and other stuff to build It will build it self!!!! (if you have alle the parts in yout inventory) Just build one of the Battelfield Analysis, and wait.
You may need to adjust the ILS demant amout, depending on your Vessel speed
all Rare
Backup input of Particle Container when you runn out of Unipolar Magnet I recomend https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/factory-particle-container-1743-8-pm-from-raw-no-unipolar
If you runn out of Stalagmit Cristal it has a Back up input for Carbon Nanotube, I recomend https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/factory-proliferator-mk3-3000-min-from-raw