This Bp is made to perfectly aligne with the 8 shield BP linked under, so you can place shield on the planet, and slowly build white science without being pestered by dank Frog Relay, just place on top on the shiled, and it will place perfectly
This Bp make about 4000/min, you wont be able to use it all with the lab on it until you get about lvl 30 research speed so it can export the rest, and you will need a few Minisun on the pole for it to be fully powered, the one on the BP arent enough, they output about 12GW and the BP need around 15GW
It use a lot of sushi, so dont change sorter and belt level or you will break it !
A few BaB are on the BP to help it being build, but not everything is covered by them
You can paste it 8 time per planet, for a total of about 32.000/min universe matrixe