If you want 100% operation, you need to remove the belt carrying the universe matrix - 1 grid tile is enough Once all the matrerials are ready for the facilities, then you connect the belt you removed. - It may take about 15 minutes When you place down the opposite side, you need to remove tesla towers on the equator. There is one optional input - High-purity silicon. There were some free space so I put the smelters for silicon but it is upto you if you want to use that smelters or you can also import high-purity silicon. There are 3 planetary shields.
Kickstart : Strange Annihilation Fuel Rod Space Warper Proliferator MK3 After Kickstart, they are all self sustainable
Input : [Mostly all raw] Iron ore Copper ore Titanium ore Coal Stone Crude oil Water Critical photon Silicon ore - optional to choose Silicon ore or High-purity silicon
Carbon nanotube Particle container High-purity silicon - optional to choose Silicon ore or High-purity silicon
Special thanks to Cthulhu and wadusher for great tips and so much useful dense bps to make this blueprint. I could never make this without their help. And also Ludus the father of belf magic.