- 从此要什么就建什么,撒手不管物料配平,机器效率配平
- 无繁琐的中间产物,节省物流消耗
- 只需要集中精力搞扩张和开矿,保护肝脏
- 可平铺设计,要多少就建多少
- 优化面积 = 50 x 131 格
- 避开星球网格的错开维度建造
- 50格宽正好可无错开铺到 南北46°
- 内部使用基础原料自产增产剂
- 自带小太阳. 需要涂有增产剂的反物质燃料棒. 特为由于供电不足导致个别燃料棒喷涂漏洞, 设置了循环喷涂系统. 可以自动改出低负荷状态
- 翘曲器需要外部提供
- From Raw Resources to Described Product.
- Need to deal with excess Hydrogen (burn it / use it somewhere else / use smart tank mod)
- Restore your Main focus on exploring and expanding
- No Hassel on material balancing (Already balanced to the best possible)
- Full Internal Efficiency within Block
- Build as you go. Basic Building Block Fully Tillable
- Nicely Fit in 50 x 131 smallest space units
- Place along equator direction and avoid crossing misaligned gridlines
- Work well from equator to 46 deg S/N when avoiding misaligned gridlines
- Proliferator produced internally from basic recipe
- Self powered with internal Artificial Stars. Proliferated AM Rods required. Loop spray system equipped to recover from low load conditions.
- Warpers sourced externally
使用后玩法类似 星际争霸/群星 为以后战斗系统做好准备
Play more like Starcraft / Stellaris, as a preparation for the up-coming combat system