Sulfuric Acid, 720/min, From Stone/Oil/Water, No Station

UPDATE 2023/03/11: Fixed the distributor boxes and retested.
Stone 1440/min (4b)
Refined Oil 1080/min (3b)
Sulfuric Acid 720/min (2b)

From Stone/Oil/Water: This blueprint is intended to be used before having access to sulfuric acid oceans in other systems.

No Stations: This blueprint is intended to be used before having access to logistics stations. Distributor boxes are included.
The Preview feature is unavailable at the time.


  • Author: Umabel
  • Collection: Factories
  • Game version:
  • Copied: 33 times
  • Created: over 1 year ago

This blueprint requires

638 structures
  • 14
  • 12
  • 18
    • 18
  • 12
  • 90
  • 4
  • 488

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