Streamlined Polar DF Mall

Streamlined and upgraded version of the original Polar Dark Fog Mall Farm:

-Slightly more compact and with more turret coverage
-No more missile turrets, only T3 shells
-Builds it's own shells but can also import
-Builds its own fuel, so once the bases hit level 27 it'll be building lots of fuel which you can export to the rest of your cluster
-Builds antimatter capsules so space fleets won't be a threat
-Added a second shield generator to keep new bases from landing in range of the turrets (results is more active bases on the planet)

-Coal input for proliferators. The rest is sourced from DF drops
-Set up to import Iron, Copper, Steel, Titanium, and Titanium Alloy to help fill the mall faster
-Exports Plastic & Casimir Crystals (more shells!), Strange Fuel, Warpers, and Antimatter. Has 3 more spots for exports as well.
-Builds everything on-site, including all drones and turrets (auto-replenished) as well as the DF buildings
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  • Author: _darkelement
  • Collection: Factories
  • Game version:
  • Copied: 11 times
  • Created: 5 months ago

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