Quick Start - Step 5 - Early Acid, Titanium Alloy, Graphene, Nanotube, T3 Belt & T2 Assembling (updated 2024/01/18)
This blueprint will produce items of the early game headaches like Acid, Titanium Alloy, Graphene, Nanotube, T3 Belt & T2 Assembling Machines. You will need T2 belts and T1 assembling machines to upgrade them to T3 belt and T2 assembling machines. The distributers were pre-configured to request them. For early game mall that produces T2 belts, T1 assembling machines and distributers and drones under 300 units, please take a look at this early game temporary mall: https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/factory-quick-start-step-2-launchpad-mall