Jumpstart Graviton lens - 30 min - Raw resources - Upgradable
Jumpstart Graviton lens - 30/min - Easily upgradable - Raw resources. Easy to build early game. Fixed by Xor. Upgrade to MK.II for 40/min
. Upgrade to MK.III for 60/min (1/sec). Maximum Input:
- Iron Ore : 47/sec = 29 (ingots) + 18 (magnets)
- Copper Ore : 13.5/sec
- Graphene : 4.5/sec
- Energetic Graphite : 6/sec
- Deuterium : 10/sec
Thanks!!! to original: https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/jumpstart-graviton-lens-30-min
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