Electromagnetic turbine - 1125 per minute from ores and ingots, ILS logistics, partly proliferated

Green motors from ores, ingots.
Amount of required components per minute:

Copper ingot - 1620
Iron ingot - 4320
Iron ore - 2600

Does not require upgrades

Yes, here you will need 3 conveyor belt mk.II

Proliferator mk3 - 162/min (If self - sprayed)_ Power 300MW
The Preview feature is unavailable at the time.


  • Author: FrankySantana
  • Collection: Factories
  • Game version:
  • Copied: 15 times
  • Created: over 1 year ago

This blueprint requires

1768 structures
  • 4
  • 33
    • 33
  • 6
  • 6
  • 86
    • 20
    • 32
    • 16
    • 18
  • 1
  • 1
  • 136
  • 205
  • 1287
  • 3

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