Conquering a new solar system: Solar Sails and Rockets for your Dyson things
This blueprint is designed to rapidly integrate a solar system and establish a reliable energy supply with a Dyson Sphere. Sufficient rockets and solar sails are being produced for 18 launch facilities and 64 solar sail factories.
This blueprint is the combination of all 9 components and takes up a fair amount of the planet. The whole system is maintained on github. All components are also available individually there. You can also use the Github issue system there to let me know about bugs or suggestions.
The main system is divided into 9 blueprints to quickly fill up stockpiles and thus rapidly form a Dyson swarm. Moreover, the small footprint of individual modules means that there is no need to bury resources in the Earth, which is often the case with large blueprints. Each module takes care of resource procurement and produces all components in the perfect ratio for continuous operation. Each production chain is also coated with Proliferation Paint, making them particularly efficient.
There are also 4 additional blueprints that I would like to set up in new solar systems, but they are not directly related to production.