Casimir Crystal 5512 perMinute, dense square 73*73

- max. mass production with outp.Cargo Stack count 4 only, i.e. upgrated to Log.Station integrated Logistics Lv3 !
- input products will be spray coaated with MK.III proliferator
- dense construction with a perfect square footprint of 73*73 fields
- no narrowness inside the construction so it can be built on all base latitudes of the planet.
- calculation: MK.III Assemblers (14 * 14) * 15 Casimir crystals per minute * 1.5 factor of MK.III Assembler * 1.25 Proliferation = 5512,5 per minute
- stress tested  with up to 40000 Crystal production according to Murphy's law: What is not tested, doesn't work!
- insane hydrogen demand: make sure you have enough resources nearby ( one gas planet fully tapped: not enough!)
 - If there are any problems, I would be very grateful for the information, please write to yr1n4fliz[add-sign] 

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  • Author: Andys
  • Collection: Factories
  • Game version:
  • Copied: 63 times
  • Created: about 2 years ago

This blueprint requires

3361 structures
  • 19
  • 8
  • 196
    • 196
  • 40
  • 2
  • 1
  • 588
  • 196
  • 2198
  • 113

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