Boostrap Base 01 - Smelting A

Smelting Section A - The starting point for raw material processing.  This section is a prerequisite for most of the blueprints in this collection.

This is part one of a base that is intended for quickly establishing production of basic factory components and research.  This series includes a few add-ons that add the capacity to produce materials needed to research and construct your first logistics stations--up to and including interstellar stations.  The design is not efficient, and not intended to be--it's simply a factory to get things rolling so you can get to the fun part of the game.   

With a thoughtful approach to construction and research planning, this base will have the components made that are needed to construct two or more planetary logistic stations as soon as you complete the research.  I find that using this base allows plenty time to stock up on titanium while circumnavigating the globe with solar panels.  By the time Planetary Logistics research is complete, I usually have power generation ready and a large area prepped for my first mass production factories, as well as materials to make four stations and dozens of drones.
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  • Author: Luxar
  • Collection: Bootstrap Base
  • Game version:
  • Copied: 40 times
  • Created: almost 2 years ago

This blueprint requires

46 structures
  • 2
  • 4
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
  • 8
  • 32

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