BIE's Polar Vortex Mall

An experimental mall that uses a separate power grid for sorter load/unload style sushi belts.
(reddit link)

Features & Options

Black-start:  As noted above, the sorter mixing array has a fairly robust little power supply.  The rest of the mall takes advantage of its polar layout to throw in a couple dozen exchangers.  Unlike my previous works, they actually look nice this time.  (I also figured out how to get them ten segments on-center, rather than 11 on-center; looks like the polar layout and staggering them lets you finagle the hitboxes a bit.)  With over 2GW of exchanger power, this one spins up darn fast, with the bonus that once the initial charge- up is done, it sips power, so batteries last a good while.  All it needs is a few shipments of batteries to start up on its own.  However...

Antimatter Option:  Le Gasp.  The No-Hazmat-Permit guy using antimatter?!  Well, no, not by default.  I figured folks would like a built-in option to tie this into their late-game power networks or use it if they didn't have exchangers set up in their empire.  To that end, I threw in a line of suns fed by logistics bots, tied into the "extra" ILS in the product output line.  (The one near the launcher assembler.)  All you have to do is flip the switch to remote demand, schlep some batteries over to the first few suns and prime.  After that, there's a fairly large ring of accumulators in the mall to cover power gaps and surges.

Por Que No Los Dos?:  You can use batteries and antimatter rods at the same time, too.  Turn on the rod supply and let them load up, and they'll cover any gaps in battery supply, and vice versa--there's enough of both power supplies to run it with plenty of excess.  The exchangers will take precedence, as they are wont to do, but since they're a renewable power source, this isn't a bad thing.

Intermediary Manufacture:  Given the space available and the ingredients I had coming in, I set about having some the intermediate components made on-site.  Namely Plasma Exciters, Antimatter Constraint Spheres, Gears, Carbon Nanotubes, Photon Combiners, and Microcrystalline Components.  Those were low-volume items I had enough room to cram in, and I figured most folks might not have them in their logistic network.  (You can flip some switches to Remote Demand if you want, too.)

On-site Proliferation:  Everything's proliferated, and it's made on-site, though I do use the new MKII chemical plants and MKII smelters to save space.  You can of course flip the switch on the center ILS to remote demand from your own supply.  And if you don't have those MKII items, don't worry!  It'll still make everything at the normal clip.

On-site Warper Production:  Makes 'em using green cubes.  Requests 1K, which will last it a looooong time.  As with the proliferation, you can set the center ILS to remote demand warpers to supply them the normal way.

Assembler Speed:  For the most part, there's enough ingredients to go around for everything to get built at the same time, at speed.  Wind Turbines and Splitters tend to come up short, but they're low-volume items with low buffer settings and quickly made, so once some of the other items slow down or fill up, they get taken care of readily enough.

Room to Expand:  There's enough room at the end of the line for a half-dozen or so assemblers, for any new buildings that come out or if you want to double-up on something already there.  The turns in the sushi belts can also be copied out and flipped and reversed if you really need to add some bits on.  (A belt-reversing mod is highly recommended.)  There's also a few ILS slots that haven't been used, along with some unused bits in the mixer.  Those are all marked with sorters set for logs, so they don't pick up any of the ingredients and mess with the mix ratios.

Easy Resupply:  While I didn't want to use logistics bots to transport items to the ILS (as they reportedly have an effect on UPS), I wanted to make them available for resupplying Icarus.  To that end, every assembler belts items out.  Before they reach the ILS, they shuffle in and out of a storage box with a logistics hat.  Once the ILS buffer is filled up, the buffer box fills up as well, and any time you land near the mall after that the bots will swarm you to resupply any requested items.

Fast Reloading:  Most of the items come out of their buffer boxes via two MK3 sorters so that the ILS fills its slot pretty quickly.  MK3 belts uses eight of those across three belts, so they fill back up really quickly.
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  • Author: Ambush_Bug
  • Collection: BIE Tools
  • Game version:
  • Copied: 9 times
  • Created: about 2 years ago

This blueprint requires

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