45 Mk.III Blue belts p/min using Mk.1 Tech from raw (Fire Ice for Graphene) # Blackbox
Adaptation of DSPfanboi's '45 Blue Belts/min with Mk.I tech' (https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/factory-45-blue-belts-min-with-mk1-tech-requires-separate-graphene-production)to accommodate all inputs/outputs at one end and include ILS. Also removed some janky sorters where I could (pet peeve). Uses fire ice for Graphene. Hydrogen stored in tank for use as you see fit (minimal amounts). Compact and slimline. Storage box included. Starter set up to get some Mk.III belts. Takes a few minutes to saturate smelters and belts etc. and ramp up.