Pizza! 4005/min output Proliferator mk3 (4781/min produced). 40 per planet, raw mats, with power

Updated to Jan 2023 patch. With power.
Semi-optimized mk3 Proliferator. 1/40 of a planet (18 degree wide, occupies 0 to 65th meridian). 4781 produced, 4005 output. production chain
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  • Author: Mrrvlad
  • Collection: Pizza!
  • Game version:
  • Copied: 53 times
  • Created: over 2 years ago

This blueprint requires

3706 structures
  • 7
  • 32
    • 32
  • 20
    • 20
  • 7
  • 187
    • 85
    • 68
    • 34
  • 16
  • 7
  • 3
  • 1
  • 136
  • 502
  • 2627
  • 161

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