150 RPM Tileable Blackbox

Up to 20 on a single planet! DF buildings.
Raw resouces -> Rockets. Proliferator Mk.3 and Space Warpers are produced inside bp. All proliferated for products (except for fractionators).
4952 Hydrogen
4717 Silicon Ore
4322 Titanium Ore
4047 Coal
4009 Iron Ore
3157 Fire Ice
1860 Copper Ore
1518 Stone
1045 Sulfuric Acid
507 Water
203 Organic Crystal
~ Deuterium
Deuterium isn't essential. It is produced internally by fractionators.
Energy usage is between 2.6GW and 3.2GW.
The Preview feature is unavailable at the time.


  • Author: steklomoy.
  • Collection: Factories
  • Game version:
  • Copied: 3 times
  • Created: 22 days ago

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