What is it about?
This blueprint contains a full planet setup that will be able to create a dyson sphere from raw materials. Small carrier rockets and solar sails are being produced and used locally. After the dyson sphere(s) are finished the planet can be used to export said goods.
The majority of the elements used inside the blueprint have not been created by me. My contribution was the combining of the pieces into a complete setup and making small adjustments.
The individual verificantions can be found here:
- The small carrier rocket launcher build: Created by Terrevil, found: https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/tillable-blackbox-module-raw-carrier-rocket-w-launcher-mkii-iii-0-25-s-square
- The polar hub: Created by nilaus, found: https://nilaus.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PM/pages/2727510017/Dyson+Sphere+Program+-+Blueprints
- The Polar EM-Rail Launcher: Created by Gnoor, found: https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/solar-sail-launch-polar-pls
- The large solar sail build: Created by Terrevil, found: https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/tillable-blackbox-module-raw-solar-sail-mkii-iii-8-s-rectangle
- The small solar sail build: Created by Terrevil, found: https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/tillable-blackbox-module-raw-rare-solar-sail-mkii-iii-32-s-long-rectangle-convertible-recipe
- Import and Export Layout inspired by Nilaus
I wish good FPS on anyone that opens this blueprint.