Charge Bank 4.05GW (2 of 3)

Slap this blueprint down alongside the first one of this set of 3, and watch your excess power be turned into full accumulators.  This bank requests empty accumulators locally from the PLS and feeds them into your energy exchangers for a good charging.  90 of them will yield 4.05GW of charging power, so you have no more excuse to not go ham on the building of Dyson Spheres.  If you have multiple Discharge Banks set up on other planets, you may have to increase the amount of stored full accumulators in the ILS to more than 2k, since every request from off-planet will use the maximum carrying capacity of your Logistics Vessels.  Or just slap down a few more of these banks.  Or do both.
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This blueprint requires

1953 structures
  • 49
  • 1
  • 3
  • 90
  • 1810

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