- 作任何改动前,先用此蓝图覆盖现有新手村基地1.1,以检查匹配性
- 拆了传送带, 分拣器, 制造台 的生产区域. 然后用此蓝图覆盖并重新连接.
- 尽快把干线升级成3级传送带和分拣器
使用后玩法类似 星际争霸/群星 为以后战斗系统做好准备
- Before Demolishing, overlay this blueprint onto existing startup base 1.1 and check compatability
- Demolish MkI Belt, Sorter, Assembler section as required and replace with this blueprint and reconnect
- Upgrade main bus Belts to MKIII and Sorters to MkIII, ASAP
- Why no solar panel production? For unit production rate, half day 1 solar panel < 1 wind turbine
Play more like Starcraft / Stellaris, as a preparation for the up-coming combat system