- 传送带MK3, 分拣器MK2 & MK3, 采矿机, 火电站, 太阳能电板, 制造台MK2 & MK3, 风力发电机, 四向分离器, 电弧熔炉, 地基, 大型储物箱, 液体储物罐, 特斯拉电线杆, 无线输电杆, 研究站, 抽水泵, 原油萃取站, 原油精炼厂, 化工厂, 分馏塔, 卫星配电系统, 喷涂机,自动集装机,大型采矿机,地热发电站,流速监管器
- 没有什么量产任务是这个黑盒模块解决不了的。如果有,就拍两个
- 无小型储物仓
- 修复小bug, 现在可用于赤道至南北46.5度
使用后玩法类似 星际争霸/群星 为以后战斗系统做好准备
- Conveyor Belt MK3, Sorter MK2 & MK3, Mining Machine, TPS, Solar Panel, Assembler MK2 & MK3, Wind Turbine, 4-Spliter, Smelter, Storage MK2, Liquor Tank, Tesla Tower, Wireless Tower, Matrix Lab, Pump Station, Crude Oil Extractor, Oil Refinery, Chemical Plant, Fractionator, Satellite power distribution, Sprayer, Piler, Advanced Miner, Geothermal Power Station, Belt Monitor
- There is no Mass Production Mission cannot be handled by this module. If there is, place down 2 modules
- No Production for Storage MK1
- Minor bug fixed. Can now be used from equator to S/N 46.5 deg
Play more like Starcraft / Stellaris, as a preparation for the up-coming combat system