This blueprint is part of my "polar ray receiver" blueprint book.
In it you will find blueprints that set up a polar "ray receiver" array. This array is configured to produce "critical photons" supported by "graviton lenses" for enhanced production speed.
! - Important
The blueprints start from 0 and are numbered to up to 6. The bigger the number gets the greater the amount of ray receiver included inside the array is. Furthermore each blueprint can be expanded as needed.
Warning: The blueprints are not designed to be placed on top of each other. Each version requieres a completly free building space.
The blueprint is best alligned to the global grid by looking at the 4 "ray receivers" that are closest to the "interstellar logistic station". The should be set on the "Prime Meridians" (see: Nilaus, "Planetary Sectors - Ideal Layout on New Planets", last checked for availability: 15.09.2021)
1 - Good to know
The "splitters" are set up in such a way that:
1. "critical photons" are funneled towards the "interstellar logistic station" as fast as possible
2. the belts have to be full with "graviton lenses" before the are inserted into the "ray receivers"
Anti Bottleneck
The four MK.3 conveyor belt lines entering the "interstellar logistic station" could, theoretically support up to 1200 "ray receivers", which in return would require 144GW (Dyson Swarm/Sphere Capacity) to be fully operational.
Thus the logistics should not be a bottleneck.
Each blueprint has the capacity to produce 12x[Amount of ray receivers] "critical photons"/min if the capacity needs are met. (For a more precise calculation reference the wiki)
Not included
The energy structures present in the screenshots are not part of the blueprint.
Rotational Symmetric
All blueprints are rotationally symmetric. To achiev this I made two compromises:
1. In the 5th and 6th blueprint the ammount of "ray receivers" is 1 less each compared to the maximum possible.
2. The "tesla towers" at the pole are redundant.
2 - Nice to know
This blueprint was originally designed for a "tidal locked" planet, which had one pole perpetually facing the sun with an almost orthogonal relation.
I have put this together to the best of my ability and would welcome anyone who can make improvements to this design.